Good Shepherd Communities Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable corporation, was established in April 1986. It promotes the benefits of charitable giving, encouraging donors to consider Good Shepherd Communities Foundation when making charitable gifts.
It provides financial and other support for its parent organization, Good Shepherd Communities, and for Good Shepherd Fairview Home, Good Shepherd Village at Endwell and Chase Memorial Nursing Home and Rehab. The Foundation fulfills Good Shepherd Communities’ vision to enhance the lives of older adults by:
- Responding to the financial needs of its facilities and residents
- Investing in the community via annual community grants to organizations that enhance the lives of older adults
- Providing scholarships to local students to promote studies in healthcare fields
- Providing opportunities for charitable giving through fundraising and development programs
- Operating with excellence the Foundations’ Office of Development and Community Relations through qualified professional staff
- Managing the Foundation’s assets and investments, ensuring their protection and growth
Making a Gift and Fund Designations
To Make Your Gift:
If you prefer to make a donation by mail, print the donation form and mail it to the Foundation Office at:
Good Shepherd Communities Foundation
32 Village Drive
Endwell, NY 13760
The Foundation’s annual giving program supports four different funds:
Living Care Fund
Residents are guaranteed a home for life with the promise they will receive the same quality residential and healthcare services, even if they encounter unforeseen financial hardship. This fund is a charitable fund that bridges the gap between the actual cost of care in the adult care and assisted living residences and an individual’s available resources. Many people choose to remember a loved one through a donation to the Living Care Fund. Memorial contributions to this fund are encouraged and appreciated.
Shepherd’s Mission Fund
Your gift to this fund enables us to anticipate and meet the needs of seniors through the development and operation of a broad range of innovative services and facilities. We will design and explore opportunities for growth, collaborative relationships and affiliations with other community members to enhance and enrich senior living and to adapt to the ever-changing environment.
Employee Recognition Fund
The Employee Recognition Fund serves several purposes. Many employees at Good Shepherd Communities cannot afford the high cost of education. This fund supports tuition reimbursement to help our valued team members grow as professionals and develop as people. This fund also supports employee recognition where we celebrate the dedication of our excellent staff and their commitment to Good Shepherd Communities and its residents. Finally, the Employee Recognition Fund has a history of providing emergency assistance to staff in times of need such as during the flood and to employees who have lost their possessions due to fire.
Unrestricted Funds
These are used for the area of most need within Good Shepherd Communities. Unrestricted gifts support the work of the Foundation. These gifts help to ensure that the Foundation will continue to grow its assets and investments, and will have the ability to respond to the needs of Good Shepherd Communities, Good Shepherd Fairview Home, and Good Shepherd Village at Endwell.